Refund Policy

This policy is applicable to all Modelle Academy Courses. Nothing in this policy or procedure limits the rights of individuals to take action under Australia’s Consumer Protection laws and the Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012.


Consistent with the requirements of Australian Consumer Law and Fair-Trading Act 2012 the purpose of this policy is to provide

  • Guidelines for granting refunds of enrolment fee, cancellation or enrolments and transfer requests. It applies to domestic and international students enrolled in Modelle programs.

Refund activities

1.1 Student Enrolment Fees

Students must advise Modelle Academy in writing that they are withdrawing from a subject or course enrolment. Supporting documentation needs to be sent if cancelling on the grounds of sickness. No refund will be paid for withdrawals outside of the notice periods, or for repeat cancellations of scheduled courses. If the student has applied for a payment plan when enrolling the amount of the payment plan must be paid out in full regardless of whether they are withdrawing from a subject enrolment where training has been provided.

A minimum refund administration fee of 20% of the course fee applies to all refund applications.

1.2 Modelle Academy will offer an extension at no charge to students under the following circumstances:

  • By reason/s of proven financial hardship or certified medical conditions that will extend past the duration of the course enrolled.

1.3 Modelle Academy will offer refund to students under the following circumstances:

  • Where Modelle Academy cancels a subject in which the student has enrolled or where the commencement of the subject or module is postponed for more than four weeks.

Please draft a cancellation letter that includes your full name, course date, and reason for cancelling the course and send it to no more than 7 calendar days from when the reason for your course cancellation is known to you with evidence of your reason for withdrawal. Failure to provide this can result in no refund awarded based on the trainers discretion

Cancellation Period

2.1 Cancelation Fee

  • 80% refund of the course fee 14+ days before the course start date

  • 50% refund of the course fee 7 - 13 days before the course start date

  • 25% refund of the course fee 4 - 6 days before the course start date

  • No refunds for cancellations < 3 days before the course starts

In the unlikely event that Modelle Academy defaults, for unforeseen reasons, and is unable to provide a course of study or continue a course of study Modelle will arrange for students to receive a full refund

2.2 Payment of Refund

Refunds are paid in Australian dollars within 30 business days from the date the student lodges a written course cancellation request and with accompanying evidence.

No refund is payable if:

  • The student formally withdraws from the program after commencement or outside the cancellation period. In this case the student is liable to pay the full tuition fee and any expenses, costs or disbursements incurred in recovering the tuition fees.

  • Terms and conditions of the contract between the student and Modelle Academy are breached

  • force majeure - in which Modelle Academy will advise suitable replacement course dates

  • The student has purchased the Online Course

The following fees are non-refundable:

  • Fees charged for administrative services e.g. booklets, booking hire, catering.

  • Course enrolment fees

  • Tuition fees

Date Changes

2.3 As courses fill well in advance, accepted dates are final. Should a student wish to change their course date, the following schedule is in place:

  • 14 calendar days before the scheduled course start date will be deemed as acceptable notice for date changes

  • Less than 14 calendar days before the scheduled course start date will be based on the trainers discretion

    Available reschedule dates are subject to availability

2.4 To ensure the standard of our trainings, Modelle Academy reserves the right to reschedule class dates if the trainers and training facility will be compromised on the date of scheduling.
In this event, students will be given 14 days notice of a reschedule via their registered email. Should the proposed date/s be unfit for the student, they will be granted credits for future study at the value of their payment, or higher. This will be based on trainers discretion

2.5 Notice of date change

All requests for a date change must be made in writing accompanied by a valid reason and evidence to support this.

This is to be sent to


3.1 Right to Appeal

Any complainant subject to determination in relation to a complaint, who believes they have grounds for appeal, is entitled to appeal that determination

Notice of Appeal

If a complainant decides to appeal a determination, they must lodge a notice of appeal within 10 working days of the determination. The appeal must set out the grounds for appeal or any new information not previously provided. It should also specify the desired outcome. There is no cost for the complainant during the appeals process and parties will not be discriminated or victimised during the process.

This should be sent to


If you have any enquiries about this policy please contact Modelle academy

Policy updated 1 June 2023.

Duty of Care

Classroom Disclaimer

Modelle Academy provides a tailored and intimate environment for the most optimal learning experience. The training nature of our academy involves pre and post contact, whilst the classroom environments are open forum for all students.

4.1 Language

The academy has no direct control over the choice of language that students use whilst in class. Facilitators make full attempts to keep the conversation standard at a clean and professional level.

4.2 Personalised Learning

Trainers regularly check in with the class to ensure the materials are understood. The pace of the class is a collective of the enrolled students. At time specialists will be brought into classes for specialised areas of learning. This is to ensure a high standard of deliverables

4.3 Break Times

Regular break times are provided to students to ensure they have adequate time to use bathroom facilities, have drinks and snacks, take personal calls. Students are also welcome to take any required time they need during the class as its a free environment.


5.1 Forms

All minors enrolling into any course run by Modelle Academy must do so with parental/guardian consent. A parental/guardian consent form will be sent via email and will be required to be completed before attending any course

5.2 Trainers agree to act within the Academy Duty of care and advise the legal parent/guardian of the child on any significant concerns regarding the minors safety and wellbeing

Academy Duty of Care

The nature of our trainings are diverse in nature and, although the classes are kept small and intimate, your child may be left unattended at times.

5.3 Trainers/Facilitators responsibilities

  • Ensure minors are informed and aware of all facilities available for their use

  • Provide suitable options for refreshments and meals

  • Provide a safe environment that is safe from physical harm & discrimination free

  • Offer direct access for any questions, concerns at all times

  • Oversee and ensure safety and care during group and individual activities

Modelle Academy is not responsible for

  • Student participation

  • Arrival & departure times of the student

  • Undirected physical activities of students

Disabilities and Impairments

Anyone with physical or learning impairments/disabilities should contact our office first before enrolling


Students who participate in class room activities may have their photo taken and may also appear in behind the scenes video. The academy will also ask for student feedback on camera which will be taken at the students discretion

Modelle Academy reserves the right to use this imagery for brand advertising and promotion unless specified by the student in writing to